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Apr 2, 2019
Technical Tuesday: Slip Casting Saga
A common goal in my personal practice is finding the line that divides form and appearance. In the piece shown on the left you can see an...

Apr 1, 2019
Monday Mood: A Journey Through the Philadelphia Museum of Art
This past Saturday I visited the Philadelphia Museum of Art for the first time since I got out of school. After taking the hit of $20 to...

Mar 25, 2019
Monday Mood: Is Pop-Culture Art Cool?
This past weekend MUSACK and Subliminal Projects hosted a “Mr. Sparkle” themed art show, which paid homage to a character Homer Simpson...

Mar 19, 2019
Technical Tuesday: Printmaking with light
Not sure what to really call this one. The picture to the left is one from my own practice. It was the result of experimentation in a...
Mar 18, 2019
Monday Mood: Being Stuck
Art is a funny thing in that the way we all produce is so different. Production varies from artist to artist, some people pump out work...
Mar 13, 2019
Why We're Here Wednesday: Are You Taking into Account How You're Displaying Your Work?
When we create art work, the primary goal is for it to be seen. Be it in a gallery, private collection, or some other alternative, the...
Mar 11, 2019
Monday Mood: Is the Smart Phone Era Hurting or Helping Photography?
I was having a conversation with someone the other day about recording a video and they told me that they’ve just been recording things...

Mar 6, 2019
Technical Tuesday: Aluminum Casting
Simply put; you heat metal it gets malleable. If it get hot enough, a.k.a. the melting point (science), solid forms transform from solid...
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