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Apr 12, 2019
Feature Friday: Olivia Cara
Through our forums I get to familiarize myself with a lot of work and in a recent deep dive into the photography world I was fortunate...
Apr 11, 2019
Using COOL materials doesn't instantly make your work COOL
With the rising popularity of Daniel Arsham, the idea of replicating object has is more relevant than ever. In my opinion his work is an...
Apr 11, 2019
Empty Spaces
There's something simultaneously chilling and peaceful about an environment you enter and find to be void of other people. We are...
Apr 10, 2019
Why We're Here Wednesday: Are Those Pesky Art History Requirements Important?
If you ask a group of art students how they feel about the art history classes they’re required to take, you’re likely going to get a...

Apr 10, 2019
Sweet Dream Sweetie, Sweet Dream Sweetie.
because everything is blooming.
Apr 8, 2019
Monday Mood: The Everyday, Art for Yourself (Another Rant)
I was speaking to the Pleb’s team recently about my own personal art and how I was totally stuck on what to do next and I couldn’t figure...
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